torsdag 2 december 2010

Low tide

A sketch from Lincoln Bay during low tide.

Low tide is what it feels like lately. We have been driving south along highway 1 for a few days and the scenery has of course been amazing except it's been raining for about a week and not so many opportunities to whip out the paints and brusches...
Everywhere we come people say "it was sunny until about 2 o'clock"...
And according to the forecast they still haven't managed to stop the leaking from above. I have heard that China has these Cloud-rockets they had on standby before the opening of the last Olympics. They chatter the clouds or something and the sun comes out again...maybe that could be a useful gadget to bring along on painting trips?
But I like clouds, just not the rain. Makes me think of a famous American painter, Richard Schmid. He once said the comforting words that in landscape painting, it's so much about cheer luck to pull off a good landscape painting. First you have to remember to bring all the stuff you need (easy to forget a thing or two...) then battling with everchanging light and weather conditions...Rain and wind are not our friends.
(I can never quote anyone correctly but it was something like that)

The Cloud
Oil on canvas approx. 25x30 cm

Ps. All the paintings I do on this trip are for sale

If anyone would like to buy a painting please contact me on my email

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